
Using the advantages of precision machining - the EcoWASP1500 - Microcutting makes it possible.


The miniaturisation of high-performance components requires innovative manufacturing processes where conventional methods reach their process limits. By means of the fully integrated EcoWASP1500 - Microcutting, these limitations have been overcome. The system technology reaches a level of precision never before achieved, which forms the basis for new, innovative products in areas such as electronics and sensor production, precision engineering or ceramic processing.


The new development is characterised by the following advantages: 


§  Production of extremely filigree contours on high-performance materials thanks to a reduced beam diameter of up to 0.2 mm 

§  Special kinematics allow process-typical angular errors to be fully compensated and micrometre-precise machining accuracy to be achieved

§  Conservation of resources thanks to 65 % energy savings

§  Reduction of the amortisation period by increasing productivity

§  Fully integrated system technology (incl. high-pressure pump) on a 3 square metre footprint

 §  Modularisation of system components contributes to easy maintenance and minimal machine downtimes



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